Wrecked By Reality

Sunday, April 01, 2007

This Is Not A Joke

Today marks a new adventure in my life: blogging for 30 days straight (or, for the entire month of April, whichever comes first).

No ideas are original, and I must admit that this idea wasn't mine to begin
with, but the more I have thought about it, the more I want to give it a shot. Plus, some of this will probably be quite random, which should only add to the confusion.

I also don't know if quantity will equal quality, but I hope to get something
out of it, although I guess that portion is entirely up to me.

Also, just because anything can happen, random movie quotes or song lyrics will magically appear at any time I feel it is necessary...like right now:

Reuben: Look, we all go way back and uh, I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place and I'll never forget it.
Danny: That was our pleasure.
Rusty: I've never been to Belize.

Here at work, when all of the gear is set, and the clients are doing their thing, there isn't much to do except hang out (can you say Gamecube on a 32" plasma? I KNEW you could!), and fix something if an issue comes up. This is also the first Sunday that I have had to be here because of clients being here. On one hand, the extra money will be great, but on the otra, I am currently in a Sunday School class that is studying how to find your S.H.A.P.E.

Spiritual Gifts

Last week was really good, and I was looking forward to today's lesson about finding out what my spiritual gifts are. I have taken surveys before on spiritual gifts, and the thing that I am most intrigued about this time around is whether or not I have gotten stronger in some areas and weaker in others, or whether they will basically be the same from what I remember from last time. After the class was over last week, I really wished that this would have been available a year ago, because I feel that it would have helped me overcome some things that I was going through then. Now though, there are other things that I am working through, and I am looking forward to rediscovering my SHAPE to be a better me!

Note: the previous sentence is not an endorsement of any weight loss plans, past or present.

One final note for today. I was able to leave work a little before 2pm...packed my bag and headed to the parking garage. Ding! 4th floor please. Ding! As I am making my way through the garage to my car, I noticed something very strange. My car was nowhere to be found. Huh. I always park on the 4th floor, so what is going on here? The synapses in my brain quickly rewound to this morning, my memory cleared, my mouth opened and said, "Idiot! You parked out front because the garage gate is broken!"


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