So I Am In This Line...
traffic. the grocery. drive-thrus.
it seems that we are, on a daily basis, waiting in a line of some sort for something. standing in a line is ingrained in all of us when we first get to school. our pre-k, k, and elementary teachers all made us stand in a straight line, or else. i am scared to think how much of my life has been spent in a line. ever since the advent of "pay at the pump" gas stations, i won't stop at one that doesn't have that option. oh, and for reference, i always get in the slowest line. if you see me in line, go to another one, and you will be out of there before i am. don't say i didn't warn you!
earlier today, i stopped by the grocery store, and stood in line at the checkout. i could have gone to the 10 items or less line, but i decided to jump in where i happened to be standing. the woman in front of me had a handful of coupons, and the cashier was nice, but a newbie, and a few of the coupons were gakking on her. now she has to ask for help while apologizing for the wait. with the coupons now credited, the woman tries to hand her credit card to the cashier.
i'm sorry, but, YOU DON'T FREAKIN' DO THAT ANYMORE! guess what lady, YOU DO THAT YOURSELF NOW!
the only places that i can think of now that swipe your card for you are either restaurants or places so out of the way that the 90's still haven't caught up with them yet. so, after an extended stay in the grocery line, i was able to check out and go home.