Wrecked By Reality

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Your Minority Report

Micro$oft has introduced a new bit of technology today: The $urface. It is interactive tech that doesn't need a mouse, keyboard or stylus. And, it looks as if it actually works.

Check out the in depth USA Today article here, and go here to launch the video that was produced by the Today Show. You can also go here for another really great video review by Popular Mechanics.

I would encourage all of you to take a look at the videos (yes, even you dial up users). You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Words and Music

I have never considered myself to be a writer of any consequence. Even creative writing classes within my English classes in high school were difficult because it was tough coming up with a subject that I wanted to write about.

During my freshman and sophomore years in college, I was still kind of dating this chick that I had been dating in high school (even though she was in college out of state. Man, what was I thinking?!) Anyway, in November of 1990, we had a very bad breakup, and it took some time to get over it, and we eventually patched things up about a year later. After the breakup happened, I ended up taking a Sociology class, and did fine in the class (a "B", iirc).

It was what happened during that semester, in that class, that has become the subject of this blog.

When I was in elementary school, I took piano lessons for a few years, and enjoyed it, but I can't play today, and never really learned any theory to support any future dealings with a keyboard.

(Note: I am at work right now, and I just met this wonderful girl named Emma. She is from Australia...what an accent! She is heading up a travel seminar tonight. I might have to sit in just to listen. I really need to get some business cards. And, uh, a life).

Oh, uh, where was I?

So, post breakup, I start writing. Sometimes it is in the dorm, but mainly, it is during this sociology class. I guess the teacher thought I was taking prudent notes. The best I can figure is that all of the lyrics that I wrote are worthy of country song types of music, mainly dealing with breaking up and lost love. Anyway, all of the craziness that I had been dealing with came out in the form of lyrics, and later, music.

Way back in 1995 when I was living in Florida, I decided to buy an electric guitar. I learned quite a few chords and found that I was able to play along with a few of the CD's that I had the arsenal that I had at the time. In a few fits of creativity, I was able to add music to some of the written lyrics, but I never recorded any of them, so I don't remember what any of the tunes were like other than the chords that are written down.

Last night, I found the notebook that not only had all of the things that I had written back then, but other songs that I had written out and added chords to play along. Looking through it, I was transported back to '91-'92, to a state of mind that I had totally discarded. Looking at it as a snapshot of my life from a few years ago was pretty fascinating.

One other fit of creative writing came, of all places, in church. I don't know if it was a morning or evening service because it was so long ago. All I remember is I really couldn't believe that it was happening, and I couldn't write the words down fast enough. For a few years, I wasn't able to finish the song. My life is generally organized by piles. And I know exactly what is in what pile, but not necessarily where it is in the pile. So, this unfinished song would appear in a pile occasionally, and mock me because it wasn't finished. It had some temporary lyrics in the final verse that I really didn't like and didn't really fit the song. In 1995, I finally finished the lyrics and added music to it.

Now I have a new goal. I tried to restring my guitar a couple of years ago, but I couldn't get my fingers to work properly. So, I am going to get my guitar restrung and work on recording these songs that I wrote. Now, if I could only sing halfway decent.

To this day, I still can't figure out why the muse decided to descend on a 20 year old and made me write out everything that I had gone through.

And sadly, it hasn't ever happened again...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Howlin' Mad News 2

Have you missed me? This has been a super busy month with work, softball, church, eating and sleeping. It has been a totally gorgeous week here in the Nash, if only it would last all summer. Can we take a vote?

“The deputies encountered the female on Pacific Avenue, just south of Nicolaus Avenue, and found that she was clad only in a pair of jean shorts,” Denney said. “We are checking into the possibility that she was under the influence of a controlled substance.”

On April 25, an office employee for Austin police noticed a foul odor about 2 p.m. while gathering envelopes from the box. The odor persisted when she brought them to her desk.

A 10-months-old boy has successfully obtained a gun license in the US state of Illinois.

I am hoping to see Spiderman 3 very soon, and the list will grow exponentially with Ocean's 13, Live Free or Die Hard, and the rest of the movies that I want to see this summer.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wrapping Up April

Obviously, things can happen that are totally out your realm of control.

Take, for instance, my internet outage. I am currently working with Ma Bell/AT&T/Whomever They Are This Week to rectify the situation. Hopefully it will be fixed soon so that I can receive email again. Technology is great unless it isn't working, then it is totally frustrating.

I will say that I had fun doing the entry for every day (for most days), and I might do it again soon. And, I am bound and determined to write about the Sandman and the upcoming wedding. Actually, my intention was to end the every day blogging on that subject (juxtaposing the end of the blogging with the end of being single), and while technical issues kept me from posting, I still could have written something and then posted when I had the chance. Then again, procrastination has always been a strong yet dumb ally.

This week is especially busy. Beside working four full days this week, I also have musical rehearsals on Wednesday night, Friday night, and a performance on Sunday night. Prep for tomorrow night will be tonight, since I won't have a chance to set up anything tomorrow.

Just before Easter, the right front rim of my mother's car had an unfortunate run-in with a ball hitch on the back of a pickup truck. The driver of the truck wasn't paying attention while backing out and took a big chunk out of the aluminum rim. Fortunately, nobody was hurt and Mom is supposed to get her car back sometime this week.

So, to end, I have to do some birthdays:

April 27th - Rogers Hornsby, Enos Slaughter, Coretta Scott King, Chuck Knox, Casey Kasem, Kate Pierson, Ace Frehley, George Gervin, Herman Edwards, Sheena Easton, and Jason Whitlock.
April 28th - James Monroe, Saddam Hussein, Jay Leno, Barry Larkin, John Daly, Penelope Cruz, and Jessica Alba. Yummmmmmm....
April 29th - Duke Ellington, Hirohito, Irvin Kershner, Dale Earnhardt, Kate Mulgrew, Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Master P, Carnie Wilson, Andre Agassi, and Uma Thurman.
April 30th - Al 'Grandpa' Lewis, Cloris Leachman, Willie Nelson, Isiah Thomas, Michael Waltrip, and Kirsten Dunst.

Thanks for playing!